Thursday, November 13, 2014

The end of big biz weekly report w. 46

Since last week, after the mid-crit, we realised that we need to take our ideas much further. The media business, which is our chosen area, is a fast moving business and the ideas that we had were perhaps a bit short sighted.

We had a meeting last week with TV4’s digital content manager Niclas Janson. He said that the media business is becoming more and more globalized, and that channels like TV4 are too small to be able to compete in the globalized business. If TV4 were to show series such as House, the episode they show is very likely to have been shown earlier on another channel and therefore rendering TV4’s role redundant. Companies like Google and Netflix have the financial power to buy exclusive broadcasting rights and by doing this they are blocking out smaller and more localized channels like TV4. They are doing this even if they are losing money on that particular deal in that particular country, just because they want to be a dominant platform. As a small player in this globalized business you can only have control over the content you create yourself. TV4 is making most of their money from their own content. This is because the shows are shown there first, and people still show a big interest in content produced in their native countries even though a similar - probably more lavish - international show already exists.

Our idea:
In the future we think that there will be only one big globalized company that distributes everything. Companies like TV4 that today create and distribute content will in the future only create it. There will always be a market for niched content, even in the future, and through the big distribution channel the niched content producers will get paid.

The Platform:
You will no longer have to make decisions about what, when and how you consume the content. With the help of Big Data the service, Googlify, will know your needs and what content suits you and will present it for you at the moments you choose. The ads that appear on your screen will also be tailored for the individual consumer, both in content and in the mood of the ad. This will make the ads more effective and valuable for the companies who paid for their spot, as well as removing annoying ads for consumers that doesn’t fall into the ad’s focus group.

A scenario:
To get a better understanding of our product we created a scenario. A scenario we are going to keep working on in the future and have as a foundation to the presentation.   
Anna has a bad day, she stayed out late yesterday and had one too many drinks. She lies down at the sofa and enters the service to consume simple entertainment. The service knows exactly what content that fits Anna’s needs for the moment. With the use of Big Data and sophisticated algorithms the service knows Anna’s interests and has customized the experience for her. With the use of a Emotion-on-a-chip (EOC), the service also knows how Anna actually feels about the shows, and thus is constantly finetuning the experience for her.
As earlier said Anna is a bit hungover, and thus a high school-show starts. The service detects Anna’s bad status, and her need of salt and sugar. This results in hidden and adaptive advertising where the people in the series’ drinks and food is adapted to the specific consumer. In this case the characters in the show drink Coca-Cola and eat Pringles. The show’s soundtrack is also adapted to the consumer and since Anna is a big fan of Justin Bieber, his song Baby plays in the background. And because she’s feeling a bit low, a filter is added to the video stream with brighter colors.

From last week exempt from TV4 we have also looked at two other resources

“Emotion-on-a-chip (EOC): Evolution of biochip technology to measure human emotion using body fluids” is a paper that looks at the possibility to read feelings thru a chip.

“Film- och tv-bolag stämmer Bredbandsbolaget - kräver blockering av sajter” this is an article about a broadband company that is getting sued by tv and movie companies for letting their consumers file share.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. It seems to me that you have left the idea with being a consultant company giving advice to media companies. Is that correct? I don't quite understand how your group name "The end of big business" corresponds to your scenario that there will be only one big globalized company that distributes everything in the future. And how does it connect to the topic digital commons and the sharing economy? You probably need to work on that some more. Good luck!
