Thursday, November 13, 2014

Future of Trust w.46

What we have done?

Since the midcrit last week, where we got some useful feedback, we have been working on our concept and the content for our final presentation.
A lot of focus has been on making a movie for the final presentation and discussing possible scenes. We have so far decided up on 6 scenes and the movie should not be longer than 6 minutes, then we have time for some roleplay during the presentation.
Other than that we have been working on specifing our concept, which actually now has turned in to a product! The company behind it is called Trustify. We have also written 100 words for the presentation of our project on the webpage. It took more time than we thought because we had to carefully choose every word. Here is a teaser:
Founded in 2018, Trustify is the first private international corporation which operates using advanced chip technologies embedded in the human body which makes the world a safer, happier and more sustainable place.
Now in 2024, after having launched successfully in over 59 countries, the Trustify community currently covers over 40% of the world’s population, a staggering 8.5 billion inhabitants. Our chip implant helps Trustify users to make their daily life easier, efficient and more secure.

What we will do?

We have a lot of work to do and therefore we have divided the work into different steps and assignments. There are many different tasks which needs to be worked on in parallell to each other.
Step 1:
  • Write manus for the movie. (scenes, actors, props, cameras), Simon and Martin.
  • Conduct interviews with Baki Cakici about surveillance (and the guy from OuiShare?) , Veronica.
  • Create a structure/disposition for our text in the book, by reading the five texts recommended by Daniel from last year and look at the template we were assigned , Lucy and Felicia.
Step 2:
  • Start writing the text for the book
  • Start filming for the movie
Challenges encountered?
We had some problem with finding a time when everyone was available and could meet, because everyone is taking different courses and has different scheduels. Our solution was to share the work within the group which also allows more time for spontaneous meetings between fewer members.
It was also a struggle to balance artistic vision with what we felt like we could accomplish in the time limit and other constraints. However in the end we came up with a balanced solution without compromise from our idea.

Changes in the project?

We had no major changes which detoured from our original vision, rather more tweaks and refinement of ideas which led to a clear and comprehensive outline. One of these changes was to refocus the concepts for our video scenarios to make sure the point of them was clear to the audience.


  1. Sounds great to me! Keep up the good work!

  2. Super cool graphic guys! (I sniff Simon had a hand in it..!)

  3. Haha thx, also kudos to your graphic Teo!! Love it :)

  4. You know what? We are building The You-Topia 2.0 concept on a Trustify™ alike service that will be the standard in the future so we will be able to record and keep track of online and offline actions ;)
