Saturday, November 29, 2014

Future of media companies, week 48

During this week we have focused to get the writing process going for real. We met up Tuesday and discussed not only the layout of the text but also yet again how we shall dispose the time during the final presentation. As we wrote in the previous blog post our goal now is to present a service platform, a kind of Spotify within the television industry. Since our original theme was wide, and we didn’t have a clear goal in the beginning of what our final conclusion would be, it feels great now to have a definite goal and something the group all agree on to continue working on.
Regarding our final report that has been our focus this week, we decided to start it by presenting our future vision of the media industry with a vivid description of the service. Hopefully this will appeal more to the reader than to start with our conclusion we have made.
Earlier we have received feedback telling us that we are not connecting our idea with this years theme – the sharing economy and the digital commons. Therefore, we are now making sure that the theme is well connected in the text to the conclusions we have made and the picture we are putting up as the possible future for the media industry. To us the theme has been a part of ever meeting and discussion we have had in the group, but we have realised that it hasn’t been portrayed well in the texts we have written so far. It is a challenge for us to explain how we are connecting the big and complex media industry to the theme in the text, but putting extra time on the writing process and help each other with conclusions will probably result in a better description of our project and the theme in the final version of the text.
The coming week we will finalize the complete text and make sure we have enough time in the end to proofread it well before sending it in. It feels great to be one week closer to the date of the final presentation when we get to present what we been working on in such a long time!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Future of Trust: Trustify. (w.48)

What we have done?
We have just continued to each work on our assigned tasks. Last weekend we shot the first scenes of our movie, which was very successful. The scene is now completely edited and ready for the final presentation. This weekend we will continue to shoot more scenes.
Here a sneak preview:

For the article we have continued to write and it is now overall finished, with over 3000 words. To go with the article we conducted expert interviews, which we hope to incorporate and strengthen our text.
What we will do next week?
Next week we intend to add the finishing touches to the article. The article is currently all written but has yet to be edited and polished with pictures added. We will finish this a few days before the deadline so we have time to play around with the layout and graphics using Axel’s template if we wish to. Also some references need to be added to support our arguments.
The movie will be having its last two scenes shot next week, then afterwards we will continue working on the editing, which takes up most of the time.
Once the article is written we can then start working on putting together a kickass presentation that will hopefully blow everyone away!
Challenges encountered?
Filing the movie was one of the biggest challenges we encountered because there was so much to prepare and organise. The scripts needed to be written and checked, equipment needed to be loaned or borrowed, actors needed to be brought in at a particular time and day.
Editing, as mentioned previously, is also the hardest part. The message in the videos need to come across clearly which can sometimes get lost. At some points we found it hard to step out of our “group” and look at the videos as a neutral party. We instead showed the videos to a few people with mixed reactions - some people understood the concept, others didn’t. We found that this was not because the video was shot badly, but because we did need some introduction to the concept - something we will definitely incorporate into the final presentation.
As for the article, we are over the character limit, which means we have to make the article more concise, yet still leave in all the important and relevant information.
Changes in the project?

No changes has been made to the project this week.

(fyi: our blog post from 12am today was somehow not uploaded and landed in the "drafts" folder, that's why this re-upload)

Shenergy - the Future of a Sustainable Shared Economy (Week 48)

What we have done
This week we have worked hard with our presentation and started to film the movie scenes. Before we started filming we had to further develop our storyboard and visualize the scenes in the movie. This helped us to assure that we got all the shots needed when filming. Also, it helped us to get a clear picture of the final result, and to understand our limitations when it comes to film effects etc. Parallel to the filming, we wrote on the script for the voiceover in the movie. Further, we designed the prototype of the Shenergy application that will be shown in the movie in form of a holographic screen. We have started to work with most of the animations that will be used in the movie.

Regarding the report we have transformed our ideas and the framework on what to write under each subtitle into a coherent text. We have created a first draft with an introduction to the energy system in Sweden, our future scenario and our solution “Shenergy”.

We have also figured out some trends that we think will happen to support our solution:

  • Increase of energy micro producers - Less expensive energy production technology and changed legislation to micro producer´s favor.
  • More awareness about energy consumption - Sustainability is constantly being integrated in our lives as people become aware of the issues. New areas arise where the environment and energy usage is in focus, for example Norra Djurgårdsstaden, and people are becoming more and more aware of their energy consumption.
  • Utilize unused resources -
  • Some sort of collapse or catastrophe that will change the way will live today

What we will do
Next step for the presentation group is to start editing the movie. When editing the movie we will use the Adobe programs Premiere Pro CC and After Effects. Since none of us has worked with these programs before, we believe this to be quite challenging. However, we have looked up several tutorials online that probably will help us to fulfill our goals and wishes for the movie.

Challenges encountered
One challenge we dealt with this week was the Swedish climate during this time of year, the conditions when we filmed were not optimal. The fog and darkness made it difficult to shoot the outside scenes we had planned, especially since it gets dark so quickly.

Changes in the project
We have not made any major change in the project since last week.

The Future of Motivation weekly report w. 48

This week we wrapped our project up taking some final decisions on how to shape our You-Topia concept and consequently our design, article and presentation. In order to be more effective and give more continuity and consistence we split the group in two sub-groups:
- Kristina, Natalia and Alexandra are taking care of the final presentation, video concept and design for the definitive user interface
- Mikael and Matteo are putting together the article.

This week has been essential for narrowing the scope of our project and taking final decisions on how to conceptualise it. Among the offload trends that we proposed there is the prominence in the future of getting a certificate as “social contributor” or “social innovator”, hence the acknowledgement of an active social collaboration will have a strong prominence on one’s profile.
This forecast is intrinsically democratic and egalitarian: the fulfilment of the individual has the same importance of the fulfilment of one’s collaborative role into a better society.
There will be opportunity for everyone to help with their mind or their hands and be rewarded.
We need to agree on which kind of certification could You-Topia release step by step according to one's achievements in the game.

We went deeper into gamification and motivation theory giving a better grounding to our hypothesis and justifying some assumptions we have done for You-Topia. For this task the interview with Björn Hedin has been particularly insightful and provided us with some concrete examples that brought us to a better understanding of game and challenge dynamics.

We set an internal group deadline for our article on Wednesday 3rd so it is our absolute priority to finish the text and suggest some final corrections if needed.

In the meanwhile we started thinking at the video concept and we are planning to create an interactive video story where the user will chose between an action and the other to continue to the next step of the plot. There will be a right and a wrong choice showing the consequences and the interaction with You-Topia. Designing how to convey a good story will be our main task for the next week in which we will have a full group lunch meeting to discuss about the storyboard.

Future of trust and reputation systems, w.48

What we have done

Personas and scenarios

With the help of our created personas and scenarios we as a group have now finalized our vision of the future. We have started to use our prepared personas and scenarios from last week to create our infomercial which will be used in the final presentation to explain and visualize our vision to the audience.


In order to progress with the preparations for the presentation a lot of focus is on creating the infomercial of “Identity Bank” which is our vision for the future. We have a clear united vision for an animated infomercial and a clear purpose for it. Instead of attempting to explain the concept around “Identity Bank” ourselves in the presentation we will instead use the infomercial. We have written a brief script for the infomercial that we are going to base it on and propose our ideas and visions through. We have also gathered some relevant images for possible use as well as thought through color schemes and fonts to use.

Since last week we have not performed any more interviews. Instead we have focused on making sure that all the interviews that we have done is being evaluated and analyzed in order to see what we can use in the final text, presentation or not at all. The part of the project focusing on information gathering is behind us, in this part of the project focus is solely on finishing the text and preparing the presentation.

Book Report

The two people that are responsible for the book report have been working on explaining the terms reputation, identity and their relationship with trust. Additionally they have written the introduction and the description of the future scenario. They have also worked with the offload trends to be send to Malin and Daniel. At the group meeting, the features, services and interface of our cross-referencing system have been decided by the whole team, giving thus valuable insight on what needs to be added in this part of the text.

What we will do

Focus now is of course on finishing the text for the book. There is less time for anything else but since we have decided on creating an infomercial also that part of the project is in focus. Creating something of a movie, no matter how short will always take time and we want to make sure that the infomercial will be finished since we find it crucial to in the best way possible describe our vision of the future.

Next week we will thus have to divide our group in order to work more efficiently on both the video and the text for the book, but at the same time try to work together. Some of us will have to focus on developing and creating the final video and the rest will have to finalize the text.

Challenges encountered

The largest challenge encountered in the project have truly being defining the actual final result. It’s hard to create a united vision of the future of trust and reputation systems since there is so many aspects which will influence it along the way. We as a group have used a lot of different brainstorming methods in order to find a united vision and we now are certain that the vision chosen represents the vision of the entire group.

Changes in the project

There have not been any changes in the project. We have rather made an attempt to specify the end result of the project.

Future of Piracy - Weekly status report 4 - week 48

What we have done:
We have completed our online survey and got 168 answers (!). We have analyzed the results and have included them in our chapter for the book. We have a crude first draft of the book chapter ready and we’ve had a meeting where we discussed the draft and where we came up with different add-ons. We decided to proof-read by ourselves and to modify the text yet again on monday. Additionally, we received an answer from Elena, the media law professor from Moscow. She will answer our questions via email and Skype during the weekend.

What we will do:
We will proof read our crude draft. We will also have to add at least one more subchapter that relates to the digital commons and the collaborative economy in order to tie it all together. We will also write a concluding chapter together as a group. When all this is done we will start working on a storyboard for the movie that will depict how our future scenario will look like. We already have some ideas and we imagine that the movie will be rather short (1-2 minutes) since we don’t have a lot of time to present our future at the final presentation.

Challenges encountered:
The summary of the survey generated by Google is clearly wrong and thus we need to summarize it manually and that might take some additional time.

Future of crowdwork w. 48

What we have done this week is that we have started working with our text and our presentation in detail matters. For this week we divided the tasks so we have been able to focus more demarcated and efficiently. Some of us are working with the text for the textbook, and others are working with the movie outline and editing. We also had group-meetings as usual, and good media communication, so we all can keep track on what we are doing, where we are, give feedback and comment each others work. Things are coming together nicely and all the aspects we planned to cover are more or less done. What's missing right now is a small introduction, a wrap up and maybe some aspects about current surveillance situation in our society.

About the movie-making, we have worked with a text for a voice-over storyteller in our movie. It’s an outline of what we will present in our video, and kind of our skeleton in our presentation. This is what we are putting video towards. To visualize our concept.
We have written it in a way where a fiction future security company are presenting a new system, and the text is written from that point of view, as we described it in last weeks report. The speech has been generated with voice simulators and then edited together. We have all contributed by searching and finding good movie clips, which is now on its way to be good scenes to the movie, together with some animations! Even if the main object is to tell about the system in words, together with experience enhancing pictures, we also want to demonstrate a typical scenario how the system works (see short storyboard for a “real” situation). Editing has taken a lot of time this week, but it might be really good! Let’s see what this will end up in...
The texts we have worked on this week is based on following topics: Surveillance culture, the developing trends in AI and AI Interaction and what we propose will happen, and crowdworking drivers to explain our idéa and the concept, implementation etc. We now have to work the texts together so there will be a good reading flow. And this is what we will continue doing next week. We will be polishing our texts and tie up the bag, and hopefully complete the movie presentation as well. There will also be a proof reading session, which hopefully will give us some good feedback.

A funny thing in our work is that the deeper we dig, the more we find are really happening somewhere, in the line of our concept. For example is the finding of AI supporting “super recognizers” really good reading for the interested, which are linked below. The technologies are out there, or on it’s way, they are just not assembled to one system yet..

New references

Storyboard of a scenario

Shared urban farming, W.48

What we have done. This week we have been discussing our text to the report, since we decided last week that all of us should write different text parts. Now we have a first version and we know what we want to have and put focus on. We need to rewrite and improve some parts as well as write the conclusion (or the final text in the report). We have also decided which programs to use for making the prototype for the application and also the film for the final presentation. We are learning the two programs so that we can start creating them in the beginning of next week.
What we will do. On Monday we have planned to read through our report and do the final work before handing it in next Thursday. Then we are starting to make the prototype and film to the final presentation.
Challenges encountered. It has been a bit difficult to meet this week as well because of all the different courses everyone is taking. However, we have a plan for all the work that has to be done so we believe that everything will work out. Beside, we managed to find some more time slots next week.  
Changes in the project. We haven’t done any changes in the project.

Share Your Life - update week 48

This week, we have continued working on our chapter of the book. We have been very productive and the writing has been going well. There is still a little more work to do on the text before it’s ready for final proofreading and handing in. During the week, we have also been writing the manuscript for the video which we are about to record tomorrow (Friday). Our plan is to spend the whole day shooting the movie. We know that cutting the video will take us quite some time and effort, so we really hope that all the shooting will be finished after tomorrow.

Next week we will finish up all the last bits of writing, and do the final editing of the text. We will also start producing the video, as well as preparing the layout and structure for the final presentation. It is busy - the life of a Future-of-Media-student.

During the time we have been working with our project, we have found articles and other projects that touches up on the idea of collecting and sharing health data. These projects and research that we have discovered relates in many ways to our idea with Share Your Life, but are still different. Recently, however, we found this campaign called DataDonors ( which is very similar to our project idea. Datadonors is performed by The Wikilife foundation, and they explain the vision of the campaign as following on their website:

We are only beginning to understand how lifestyle choices affect individual health and well-being. DataDonors provides the global health community a database that can be used by researchers, scientists and physicians around the globe to help discover new scientific research behind healthy living. We hope to collaborate with other organizations and developers to help expand our audience and provide insight into healthy living for millions of people around the world. This project can profoundly impact advancements in health and wellness research, and ultimately yield a healthier global community thanks to the contribution of individual participants.

The concept and general idea of Datadonors is very much the same as ours, which in some way is a bit sad (we wanted our idea to be unique!). We are not getting beaten down by this though, since Share Your Life still have some promising features that Datadonors doesn’t include (yet...). In some way it is nice and reassuring to find a campaign like Datadonors, since it tells us that we definitely are on the right track with Share Your Life, and something like this can be done!

And just to prove how timely our idea is - did anybody miss the announcement by HUI research this week - the christmas gift of this year  *** drumroll ***
The activity bracelet  - you know you want one!


Future of Information Sharing - Week 48

This week: 

This week we have have utilized the concrete thinking of last weeks work to look forward but yet backwards. That sounds pretty abstract and bland, however bear with us. As we realized that we ought to narrow down the project from a very futuristic "all-in-all" project to a concrete and centralized point we started to thin down the fog of project immersion. We decided that focus should not be on the whole "solution of information" but the sharing bit. How we access the information is not really the issue at the moment, even though it would be nice with a serendipitous solution. The problem at hand is that a very small segment of people taking advantage of information online on forums and online encyclopedias are actually contributing, i.e. collaborating. So the focus has steadily shifted towards solving that aspect of the future of information. This is somewhat of a breakthrough in an otherwise relatively abstract vision of the future. With this clearing in the fog we have progressed to actually get work done on the presentation and report which are well on the way. We started to look forward at this point. By that we mean that we started thinking: What are the main points of the project we want to convey on the final presentation? We made a long list and sub points to the main points. By looking at what we would like to present we started to analyze where we are and subsequently knew what parts we needed to focus on to reach those goals. This was very helpful, because if you just go along without an eye on the finished result one will get bogged down in details in eternity. Now we know exactly what is needed to be done, and it feels good and clear. Somewhat of a rarity in an otherwise abstract project. 

We handed out different tasks to be responsible for until an internal deadline, well before the official ones so we can polish the work. This really feels as though each member knows basically what they should do. The report, presentation and vision are close to be completed and it feels good. The future.. isn't as dim as dome would like you to believe.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Future of 3D-printing Weekly Report w. 48

What we have done this week
This week we have worked most of the time apart and written the most of the report. We held one meeting this week 27/11 since there was hard to fit the schedules for a meeting earlier in the week. We discussed how to go forward in the best way and decided that half of the group would focus on the report and the other half on the presentation. 

The Report
Since most parts had been writen in the report we felt that there were no need for six people to proofread and edit it. Therefore only half of the group got the report as focus to proofread and make smoother transitions between all topics written in the report. 

The presentation
The other half started to work with the presentation, by making storyboards for the movie and planning the structure of the presentation. We want the presentation to feel dynamic mixing movieclips with live presentation/acting. Since the edititng of these clips will take the most time we want to start filming as soon as possible. This team also started with the illustrations of prototypes and interfaces that will be used both in the report and in the presentation. 

Encountered problems
The meeting was very straight forward, we didn't encounter any problems. 

                                                             Group SAV3D in action

Next week
For the next week we will finish the report and have a ready presentationplan so we can begin shooting the films! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Future of Trust - Trustify

What we have done?
Scripts for six scenarios has been written. All of the scenarios will look like promotional material for our made up company “Trustify” and will share their view on how implants has improved the world. However, these promotional videos can be interpreted as insensitive, have a lack of empathy and socially questionable. Our intention is to make Trustify seem like a cult. Blinded by their own beliefs, they are unable to see any negative side effects to the implants.
Almost all of the six scenarios has been casted and equipment has been borrowed from friends and KTH. Tomorrow (Saturday) we will film the first scenario.
We have also been writing on the article for the book, which involves doing research and defining our concept further. Our concept Trustify has now a completely developed business model and subscriptions plans for customers. In the text we are also explaining the possible challenges and negative sides a bit more than we will do in the final presentation.
Another part of the research we have done is that we have written questions for the experts we want to interview and contacted them via email.

What we will do next week?

  • Hopefully conduct interviews with experts if they get back to us
  • Back up the article with some more references and write more in some parts
  • Decide on which images we want to have and design them or try to find them through the Creative Commons.
  • Complete casting
  • Shot all six scenarios

Challenges encountered?
We haven’t encountered any challenges this week other than trying to schedule a meeting that all could attend to. The scheduled meeting was cancelled since we all thought we could do our work from home. That has not affected our work and we are following our planning we have made.

Changes in the project?

No changes has been made to the project this week.

Some photos from our first film shoot!

Future of Shared Urban Farming

w. 47

What we have done. We had our mid crit presentation a week ago and we were very happy with  the comments and suggestions we received from the panel as well as from other students. We wrote all the comments down and had a new group meeting on monday to discuss how we should proceed the research. We decided we were going to further develop a prototype for an application to show in the final presentation. We also started to brainstorming what exactly we want our final presentation to be like as well as how the lay out for the text for the book should look like. During the meeting on monday we made an outline for the text and divided the parts up so everybody could be working on separate parts at home since we have a lot to do in our other classes right now. We all agreed on having a finished rough draft of the text on monday 24th of November so that we have enough time to edit the text before it is due. This week we also sent our last questions to people and organisations of interest to finalize our idea and to receive answers to any confusions we had about urban farming. Two members also took a trip to Bredäng to meet Alice Bulukin who works with urban farming and takes care of an urban farm in Bredäng. We visited the little farm but unfortunately most of the plants were dead already but there were at least some potatoes left in the soil. She was able to answer many of our questions and sounded excited about our project idea. 

What we will do.  Our next step is to finalize the text for the book and on monday we have scheduled a new meeting to start working on the final presentation.

Challenges encountered. We haven’t encountered any major challenges this week. The only small challenge was to find time where everybody in the group could meet since we all have a lot going on in other courses. However, we managed to meet all together and finish what we needed to get done.

Changes in the project. We made some small changes to our project after the mid crit last week but nothing major. We just added some more parts to it and made sure that nothing is unclear anymore.

Other. We feel like we are on track and look forward presenting our idea at the final presentation in december.

Future of the trust and reputation systems

What we have done

Personas and scenarios

This week, we have continued to discuss our ideas and what kind of result we wish to create for our presentation. We finally thought of continuing with our initial idea of creating a cross-referencing system, instead of presenting a dark scenario which we also considered.

We talked about creating personas and scenarios with this cross-referencing system, which we have focused on. In order to properly visualize our system, personas and scenarios will be a good aid to understand how it could work and what needs to be developed.

We decided to divide our group where two of us would thoroughly think and prepare a couple of detailed scenarios each and two others would prepare two personas each.


The rest of us, the other two, in the group would focus on starting typing the basic texts that can be written at the moment for the book report, like the introduction. As we discussed this, together we agreed on the overall headings and content we wanted to include in the report. For example, we want to discuss the theme for our project idea, about trust, reputation and specifically identity issues, in the beginning of our chapter. Gradually, we want to go into talking about our proposed idea. That way it was clear for the two that will be responsible for the book report this week what they could write so far.

To make sure that we have our meetings set every week, since we have different schedules, we agreed on meeting at least once a week, every Wednesday, starting from next week.


We spoked to the security manager on Blocket to hear their approach to trust & reputation systems (TR). We became interested in Blocket since they don’t have any TR-system like Amazon or eBay. The results of the interview is to be analyzed further.

We did also have an interview with Dan from eRated who gave us some great insight concerning the possible issues with implementing a trust and reputation system. It is the groups opinion that the interviews we have performed until this state in the project is sufficient to produce a vision of the future both for the final presentation and for the book.

Book Report

We have decided that two people will be responsible for the final text, being responsible they will make sure that we are progressing with the text enough to manage to deliver a quality text when the deadline is due.
These two members have been working on the structure of the report. Inspired by previous reports, we decided which parts will be included in our text and their order. The parts have been divided between the members of the group- according to their contribution to the group work (e.g. someone working with the future scenario will explain that in text).

We have started defining the concepts relevant to our report: identity, reputation and trust. 

What we will do

For next week, we will meet up and discuss our prepared scenarios and personas that will further develop our cross-referencing system and start thinking about the details, the features our system will have that will be advantageous compared to other existing equivalent systems.

We will of course also continue to write on the book report, this time all together. We will collect new relevant references. We already have some gathered from earlier that we thought were interesting. 

Challenges encountered

Even though we have been working with the concepts of reputation and trust for a month now, it is challenging to find definitions in the literature that reflects to what we envision about the future of reputation and identities. 

Changes in the project

Our group is in the moment entering a really inspirational state of the project since it is truly now we can start to mold our ideas into an attempt to fulfill our common vision. In order to make sure that everything will be done on time we have divided responsibilities amongst the group members. We as a group however believe that it is of great importance that every member get a chance to contribute their vision to the final result. In order to achieve this we will make sure that every task is divided into several smaller tasks so that everyone will have a possibility to contribute. We decided to continue with our initial idea about a cross-referencing system, basing the features on the needs of developed personas and their scenarios.

Against sharing

Interesting article, "Against sharing" but it might equally well have been called "Against Uber".

"Kazi drives a Toyota Prius for Uber in Los Angeles. He hates it. He barely makes minimum wage, and his back hurts after long shifts. But every time a passenger asks what it’s like working for Uber, he lies: “It’s like owning my own business; I love it.” Kazi lies because his job depends on it.


Hello all readers.

From the last time, we have focused more on taking our concept into an actual product. The product that we have in mind is a service platform that works in a similar way to the Spotify concept but for television content. We want to clarify how our topic and conclusions are connected to the topic of digital commons and the sharing economy. Filesharing is literally how a sharing economy looks like when it comes to digital content.This phenomenon has crashed several old business models including television and it proves that the sharing economy is something that industries might see as a threat. The key driving force for this phenomenon is how the users see upon what content is. Digital content will always be available for a connected user, either through filesharing, streaming or broadcasting. Either way the user will see the content if he/she prefers to. In 2025 this driving force will be an accepted fact and businesses have to work side-by-side with this force and try to monetize their business.

This means several things for the industry. Technology in 2025 will be very sophisticated, we think that big data have reached a level where people will be connected to the internet by some kind of microchip that measures everything about you, your feelings, your health maybe even your thoughts. Together with internet of things technology this information that will be shared will generate enormous amounts of good data that can be used to build a platform from which users can go to, to find the best content available for their needs. We think that people will share their data willingly to connect with this platform and by doing so they will get the best experience possible, co-creation interaction are taking to much time for this kind of interaction so the sharing is displayed in sharing information. This platform will pair content and commercial content together with the right user depending on the users preferences, mood, locations etc, in a seamless way. Technology itself will play a part in how the content will be consumed such as virtual reality, 4D technology etc but we believe that we have to delimit our topic to how media companies and users will interact.

We think that a media company on a international level will be a very tech intensive company where big data and machine learning are outperforming the traditional roles in a media company. Big players such as netflix have the financial power to buy exclusive rights for productions and high tech companies such as google will outperform as a platform which means that local media companies such as TV4 have to do business on what they can control and know - they will produce content that are targeting local users and local culture. This makes their market cap much more narrow and more nich. Machine learning will take marketshares against tv-journalists as technology and social media will evolve and their will be a lot of disruption within the industry.

The media industry was fundamentally built and limited to how technology worked and this means that technology must shape the future industry. The way that distribution rights are formed are to fit the format of linear television and is based on a model of release windows. The production companies have made these rights to be as profitable as possible for their company with pre internet release models. We want to build a license system within our platform where the licensing are updated towards future technology and how users interact with production companies.
To summarize how our product will work like:

  • A seamless platform where users share all of their information to find great content.
  • A platform that is integrated with all types of devices
  • A up to date license model which are beneficial to all users.
  • Social media and prosumer content will be put together to be easy to consume by the user.
  • A platform that know you and therefore provides you with what you want to watch.
  • Every user get’s commercials that fits and interests them.
  • The right commercial will reach the right individuals.
  • More crowdfunded content.

So this week we have kept on working on our future product and defining the different industries that can have an impact on how the future platform will work like and what industries that can be affected by this platform. We have started to work on our report by dividing up different areas inside of the topic that needs to be more fully understandable for us to know how they will look like in the future. For example crowd funded content,Internet of things,License and one private company having control over a whole industry etc.

If  we are going to be a consulting company is very determined on where we end up and we will decide that later

Future of Piracy, week 47

What we have done: Last week we analyzed more every aspect interesting our researches, in particular the historical part for the background, policy part for a futuristic prevision of law changes, some information about 3D-printing materials and shops where you can print your projects. We are considering including a subchapter called “IKEA: A case study”, as to include something that everyone can relate to. Furthermore we are reading about crowdwork for the final platform of sharing data encouraging everyone to cooperate. We also sent out a survey about piracy habits and have at this moment gotten 149 responses containing very useful information that we can use as a foundation when we write our chapter for the book. Lastly we contacted professor Elena Sherstoboeva from National Research University Higher School of Economics that specializes in the legislation in the media industry about an e-mail/Skype interview.

Some statistics from our survey. The rest will be published when all responses are collected.

What we will do: We will continue with our literature study about the social aspects in piracy (why, how and what do people pirate? What are their motivation?), interview other professors and experts in the media industry. We will have a first draft of the text done on wednesday next week so that we have something concrete to work with and improve. We will also begin with the storyboard for the final video presentation.

Challenges encountered: we had no answers from some experts of media, sharing and piracy so we decided to create a survey about piracy for more statistics. We also took the feedback from the midcrit into consideration and changed our focus from the detailed technical aspects of how this kind of piracy would work to defining the everyday future scenario. How would a regular day look like for an average person? How would the crowdworking aspect function and what effects will that have on society as a whole?