This week has been a tough one for getting everyone together for a meeting since all of our schedules are tight and differs to the extreme. We've continued to contribute to the written text separately and finally found a time slot of three hours on Thursday to get together and write an agenda for next week, comment and talk about what we've written and update each other on what we've done and our thoughts.

As it turns out we are well on our way to finalizing our chapter of the book, as we have all done our part within the group. We combined all the parts that we had written. So we ended up correcting and reading through the text together and even had time to plan an agenda for our next steps. This agenda includes rewriting the chapter so it fits into the context of the book, as suggested in the course blog (trend outsourcing), interviewing a subject, try to think of a way to present our main idea at the show, calling around and getting in touch with people if need be for the presentation, since we have about a week to finalize ( taking personal lives, other courses and projects, reports, work etc into account), and agreeing on a next meeting. We've done well this week as it stands!
Our own deadline for the written part is on November 25th, the same day the we meet again. After that we can focus more on the presentation.
Yup. We've done real good.
Sounds great then! Keep it up!