From the previous blog post we developed our idea on many different aspects and this week we have been working a lot on what has been pointed out during the mid-crit feedback.
Our first step was to design the process and the user interaction with the platform.
We sketched a handwritten scheme and subsequently we designed the interaction process for our mid-crit presentation providing examples to make the concept as clear as possible.
As pointed out during the feedback some aspects of the process are not straightforward and easy to grasp even though with a better clarification everybody in the class seemed to understand and agree with the main steps.
Currently we are thinking how to make the whole explanation easier, more direct and bringing up ideas about which medium better suits the project for the final presentation (video tutorial, presentation+video, podcast, sketch act, etc).
When we presented our product name it seemed that the word we made up from "sharing" and "utopia", "ShareOpia" was at the first sight misinterpreted or at least not clearly associated with the utopian concept. According to this we started to brainstorm some new names to present the final project, among those we have "ShareTopia", "U-Topia"/"You-Topia" and others (this is the reason why in different images various versions of the brand are displayed). AAA - In this regard we are looking for feedback from you!
To better understand the user interaction we designed an interface 1.0 (shown during the mid-crit presentation) both for mobile and desktop to give a better feel of the final product that we have in mind.
Currently we are working on the version 2.0 taking into account what discussed during the mid-crit in terms of complexity and user-friendliness.
Here are presented the old and the new (incomplete) version.

We had some warning feedback about keeping this platform as a "game" and being careful on how to dose genuine engagement and monetary rewards. According to that we are currently considering whether to avoid monetary rewards, making them highly difficult to get or optional.
For the same reason we are also considering to include in the service traditional companies that are currently not involved in the sharing economy (at least not in the first preliminary version of the service).
This last main decision will also lead to substantial changes in the business model which anyway will need some figures to show an evident viability, although we are particularly happy with that and the way we displayed it (figure below) that seemed to be well understood by the audience during the mid-crit.
Lastly we started organising our report and article in terms of paragraphs, background sources and references, according to that we started dividing it by the relevance we would like to give to each section and assign different parts to each of us.

The main tasks for the coming week are:- Scale down complexity, scope and deliverables
- Funnel idea concept and accordingly reshape the interaction process
- Decide definitive brand name, design, look&feel, interface, etc.
- Business model testing (SWOT, PESTLE, etc.)
- Start writing the first paragraph sketches
- Sorting bibliography and sources
- Interview/meeting Björn Hedin who has been working with motivation.
I like the way your project has progressed. I also like the You-Topia. It is a lot clearer than the other one. Your project seems to be running on - keep up the good work!