This week, we have continued working on our chapter of the book. We have been very productive and the writing has been going well. There is still a little more work to do on the text before it’s ready for final proofreading and handing in. During the week, we have also been writing the manuscript for the video which we are about to record tomorrow (Friday). Our plan is to spend the whole day shooting the movie. We know that cutting the video will take us quite some time and effort, so we really hope that all the shooting will be finished after tomorrow.
Next week we will finish up all the last bits of writing, and do the final editing of the text. We will also start producing the video, as well as preparing the layout and structure for the final presentation. It is busy - the life of a Future-of-Media-student.
During the time we have been working with our project, we have found articles and other projects that touches up on the idea of collecting and sharing health data. These projects and research that we have discovered relates in many ways to our idea with Share Your Life, but are still different. Recently, however, we found this campaign called DataDonors ( which is very similar to our project idea. Datadonors is performed by The Wikilife foundation, and they explain the vision of the campaign as following on their website:
We are only beginning to understand how lifestyle choices affect individual health and well-being. DataDonors provides the global health community a database that can be used by researchers, scientists and physicians around the globe to help discover new scientiļ¬c research behind healthy living. We hope to collaborate with other organizations and developers to help expand our audience and provide insight into healthy living for millions of people around the world. This project can profoundly impact advancements in health and wellness research, and ultimately yield a healthier global community thanks to the contribution of individual participants.
The concept and general idea of Datadonors is very much the same as ours, which in some way is a bit sad (we wanted our idea to be unique!). We are not getting beaten down by this though, since Share Your Life still have some promising features that Datadonors doesn’t include (yet...). In some way it is nice and reassuring to find a campaign like Datadonors, since it tells us that we definitely are on the right track with Share Your Life, and something like this can be done!
And just to prove how timely our idea is - did anybody miss the announcement by HUI research this week - the christmas gift of this year *** drumroll ***
The activity bracelet - you know you want one!
Sounds good that you are busy... Seems to me that you have accomplished a great deal this week as well. Funny with the DataDonors! But never mind, just keep on working on your idea. Yes, the activity bracelet shows that the idea is timely!