First thanks to these inputs and some chats with other course mates, we faced the problem of keeping track of both online and offline behaviour. To address this issue we will build upon some of the trust and reputation systems that other groups are working on for a foreseen 20 years ahead future.
Thanks to that we will be able to keep track of what we have defined as:
- Actions - all those practices performed offline that contribute to a sustainable and collaborative economy/society, face to face interaction
- Transactions - all those practices performed online that contribute to a sustainable and collaborative economy/society, service/platform mediated interaction.
You-Topia 2.0 has been directly lightened of the whole economic reward part in terms of discounts, vouchers and lower fees that the user would have gotten if behaving in a certain way, though an economic feedback and reward is anyway foregone. Building upon the quote "there is no business to be done on a dead planet" a successful user will get certificates (e.g as a social innovator) and pay lower taxes.
The concept behind this is that to solve a macro-problem (environmental, economic, societal etc.) communities can change their behaviour or pay taxes to buy assets and services to address the issue. For example if we want to achieve a certain goal about pollution levels of the lake Mälaren in the next 20 years, we can both pay taxes that will be used to pay water depuration plants otherwise, as a community, change our habits and day-by-day actively contribute to those local missions. The new design obviously implies a change in the business model.
You-Topia 2.0 is now economic capital free and involves social and civil capital, we eliminates in this way the re-bound effect and the "keep-it-a-game" concern pointed out during the mid-crit.
Instead, while still providing a feedback on time, money and environmental impact saved, we provide a tool that shows the individual, network, community and global performance in missions' achievement.
This week tasks are:
- Finish the first version of the article
- Find a concept for the presentation
- Re-design the new interface
Sounds good to me! Looking forward to seeing your new solutions! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteHere is an example of how to gamify collaboration: the municipality of Milan launced a competition between the 9 districts of the city for the best paper recycling. The best 3 will get 28500, 18000 and 13500 Euros for their schools.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately only in Italian:
Milan has already been awarded with the best European recycling city title (over 1M inhabitants), one of the few good examples from Italy lately.