- Group name. The end of big business
- What we have done and Changes in the project.
After the feedback we got on the meeting with Daniel and Malin we started to discuss our topic and it resulted in a brainstorming session. During the session we came to the conclusion that we had to revise our project ideas. We have created a more specified project description. We have thought about the drives behind the changes in the business and sorted out the biggest trends most important to big enterprises. In the background as a big force is the sharing economy.
- What we will do.
Dig deeper into the different trend areas and see if our predictions of the future are plausible scenarios. We will also look on trends within the bigger trends to see if they can give us inspiration to further development on our project idea. Another thing we are going to start working with the following week is the final presentation ideas. We have already during the brainstorming sessions touched upon some ideas but we have chosen to focus on the trends and research process this week.
- Challenges encountered.
The fact that we are working with a trend is troubling for the group, which make it hard to get specific knowledge, we don’t have a crystal ball. One challenge for us is to get a comment from an inside source at a preferred company due to the tight timeframe.
- Resources.
These are the resources we have used and we found especially interesting for our subject.
We have found great inspiration in the blog of David Hunter Tow called Future Enterprise IT. He is the director of the Future Planet Research Centre but also a futurist, author and social activist among other things.
Blog post about the future of big enterprise
Blog post about the future of the globalised enterprise
Ted talk about how data is filtered:
Documentary about big data:
- Other.
We feel really confident about this project and the value that it creates for future companies.
When I read your blog post, I feel that your project idea is still very fluffy. See if you can make it more concrete, more hands-on and of course connected to the overall theme Future of the digital commons.