Thursday, October 30, 2014


The bottom up revolution: 2084 - Share your life
Since we came together as a group, we have had two long meetings with brainstorm sessions. During our first meeting, we discussed several topics and came up with an idea that we all liked, and thought was worth investigating. We also spent some time on writing the details of our project plan.
On our second meeting, we performed a brainstorm session in order to widen our concept and to come up with ideas to investigate. At this stage we decided not to focus on constraints that would limit our idea caused by technical difficulties or other problems - any idea would be possible. We wrote down all we could think of on post-it notes and after a few hours our table was covered with great ideas. Before we ended the session we sorted all ideas depending on topic or relation and created a piles of notes that with ideas that we needed to investigate further and another pile that had to be dealt with at a later stage. The investigations was then divided among the members of the group to work on out until the next meeting.
Some examples of what we are about to investigate further until then is what sensors have the possibility to measure today, how we should handle the issue with integrity and safety of personal data, what type of data bio-banks store and process today and what data they are interested in. Also what kind of technical problems/requirements our idea implies. When we have compiled and shared our individual investigations with each other, we will focus on and create a presentation for the mid-crit.
The meeting with Daniel and Malin helped us get some more concrete ideas and different point-of-views, and we also got some names of people to contact. Interestingly enough we got the feedback that the user survey we had been planning to do might not give us any useful information to work with. This was initially a surprise to us, but considering the perhaps controversial question we would have asked our interviewees “Would you agree to have a chip operated into your body, and then share all those details with the rest of the world” - might not have provided us with any useful answers. And more importantly - would we have changed our idea if it turned out that a majority of the people would have refused; no we wouldn’t have. The important lesson to learn from that - is what do you want to learn from your activity and what exactly are you planning to do with that information?
bild 2 (3).JPG
bild 1 (3).JPG
So far we have not encountered any trouble in our group. What could be a future challenge is that we might face difficulties finding time when everyone in the group is available and can meet up. We all take different courses and therefore have different schedules. To make the meeting planning easier, we had started a google calendar that’s shared among us. In the calendar, everyone has added when we have lectures in other courses. With the help of the calendar, we can easily see when there’s gaps in our collective schedule and therefore can set up meetings.

Outcome of brainstorming session

Phase 1:  

Focus on exercise:
  • Personalised food intake - the right food for you and your body
  • Personalised exercise
  • Offer a Personal Lifestyle Architect (Personal trainer 2.0)

Weight/Body fat level

  • What are they storing today
  • What would they like to have

How would the data get from the chip to the Database?
8G - When would the data be sent - at night/low traffic?
How can you access your own data?  

What should the sensor look like?
  • bracelet?
  • chip (what can you read from a chip?)
  • can be charged by the bodily movements

Local storage?
  • chip will talk to your mobile phone
  • Mobile will talk to server when connected to WiFi

Emotional state:
  • sms
  • email
  • voice level
  • laughter
  • muscle sensors /smiles

What do you eat?
  • how can we measure this? Toilet?

Safety/ Data integrity
  • Important and difficult question

What level of data should you share?
  • only health data
  • food intake
  • level of happiness (via text analysis of sms/email)

What can you do in a hospital?
  • what is interesting to measure?
  • what can you measure at home instead?
  • can you measure empathy (psychopaths)?
  • can you measure happiness?

Research question:
  • How should we put our question together? Needs to be short and clear.  

Data aggregation:
  • cooperation between different sensors we are carrying with us
  • Mobile phone
  • Chip
  • text analysis (sms/email/facebook/tweets)
  • toilet
  • can you measure happiness?

How to motivate people to join
  • how can you set up goals for the user so that they feel good about the output they get from this service

Phase 2:

Focus on exercise as a motivation:
  • Personal lifestyle guide helping with what types of food to eat, how to train, all in favour of improving one’s statistics/data.

  • crediting the users
  • facebook
  • “pink ribbon”
  • beneficial for yourself
  • beneficial for your family

What type of agency/company would we be?
  • the state/hospitals
  • organisation (e.g. Red Cross)
  • business

Where is our base for growth, where do we begin?
  • locally (Sthlm)
  • locally (KTH)
  • Sweden
  • Europe
  • Worldwide

Who pays?
  • must be attractive enough to get somebody to pay initial costs
  • payment plan?
  • different subscriptions: bronze, silver, gold

Annual ranking, what’s your physical age?
  • diploma

When should you be allowed to participate?
  • at the age of 18

Choose what type of data you are willing to share:
everything/ health data / food intake

1 comment:

  1. To me, it seems like you have come a long way already. Way to go! Keep up the good work!
