Thursday, October 30, 2014

Future of Crowd Work weekly report w. 44.

  • Group name.
Future of Crowd Work
  • What we have done.
So far we have had two brainstorming sessions and one feedback meeting. We have spent most of the time discussing; making mind maps, making definitions, as well as concepts, weighing prospects, ideas and relating the development in technology with it’s surrounding culture.
  • What we will do.
Narrow down our concept as described under "changes in the project" below.
How and by whom surveillance is produced and accessed is what we will have to decide next.
  • Challenges encountered.
Work is a tough subject. It’s big and well traversed in discourses, so there’s no imminent solutions anywhere. Our challenge right now is to pick and develop a theme/project/idea further. We have also struggled with a definition of crowd work and we have not yet reached closure.
  • Changes in the project.

    We have, after intense discussions, finally decided to go for the idea "future of surveillance". We have yet to define it more clearly and it was a bit surprising to all of us how broad even this narrowed down area is. We are discussing what parts of surveillance we are to incorporate. We have identified two main areas, crime investigation and crime prevention. We will also have to decide how large of a crowd should be involved in the surveillance and with what limitations they are given access to the surveillance material. How the surveillance material is gathered is also a question we have to consider. Is the material produced by a centralized entity, is it produced by the "crowd" or maybe both? It is entirely possible to broaden our perspective to include surveillance which is not of a crime nature but we are leaning towards focusing only on crime related surveillance. We will have to decide on a viable/possible solution to (mass)surveillance by the masses which takes function, personal integrity and "crowd workiness" into consideration. How and by whom surveillance is produced, accessed and best used is what we will have to decide next. 


  • Our final idea will exclude some or most of the arrows in this drawing. For example a state entity may produce surveillance material/data which is accessed by some citizens who share their analysis with the same state entity, leaving only the three leftmost arrows, of which the two right arrows only go in a downward direction.

  • Resources.


  1. Narrowing down the project seems to be the key thing here. I did not quite understand your idea around that, but never mind. Keep up the good work!

  2. kan tipsa om Niklas lundblad:

  3. Niklas' text is very good. I didn't know it was available on the web. There are loads of literature about surveillance. I do believe there is even an academic area called "surveillance studies" so I would presume there are conference and academic journals. I might be interesting to trawl some of them...
