What we have done?
This week we have been refining our initial concept, by brainstorming and dicussing ideas. Previously concept was not clear enough, we have continued to develop and define our ideas and concept into one clear and concise vision. The vision centres around human-robotic augmentation in 10-20 years time, and how this augmented future acts as a facilitator of trust in the sharing economy.
What we will do?
Our next step is to establish contact with experts in several fields relating to our theme and conduct interviews or gather information to get additional insight. By doing this we are hoping on refining our vision further and get other’s views on our problem. Running parallel we also need to start plotting the scenes, narrative/script and scenarios in order to create a video for the final presentation in December.
Challenges encountered?
The rather broad topic is sometimes difficult to frame and needs some clear decision making. Initially we found that we were searching too broadly to really address any specific problem/interest and had to re-evaluate our niche entry point into the topic of trust. As a consequence, we therefore ditched our idea to conduct focus groups and interviews since the insights might be not as helpful as we expected. Instead, we plan to hold interviews with experts of certain fields like surveillance (Baki Caciki), sharing economy (Mattias Jägerskog) and future technologies (Gadi Amit, Amal Graafstra) to really get a grasp of the effects of our future scenario.
Changes in the project?
In our first project proposal we focused on finding out what trust means. As diving deeper into the topic and getting feedback from Daniel and Malin we found out that trust has too many definitions and dimensions we could not possibly cover. Our new project direction leads to depicting a future scenario of how the sharing economy could look like when trust is implemented and ensured in a system using human-robotic technology. The future vision we want to create is not too positive, moreover a criticism of how the sharing economy could affect people in a way that it limits privacy than fostering freedom. In other words, we have concentrated our efforts into really developing and fully exploring a future scenario, as opposed to our old idea of explaining what the concept of trust is.
We have also been talking about what should be needed to bring back the old village concept, where everyone trusted each other, or at least knew who they could trust and not. This way of thinking was introduced to us by Daniel and Milad. When discussing this we concluded that the most important factors were knowing other´s history and background or being acquainted with the person through relatives or friends. These factors provide us with answers to the most essential functions of our future vision.
We have also been talking about what should be needed to bring back the old village concept, where everyone trusted each other, or at least knew who they could trust and not. This way of thinking was introduced to us by Daniel and Milad. When discussing this we concluded that the most important factors were knowing other´s history and background or being acquainted with the person through relatives or friends. These factors provide us with answers to the most essential functions of our future vision.
It seems to me that you are well under way. I hope the interviews will give you more insights, and also help you decide your scope, and ultimately your solution.