Friday, December 5, 2014

The future of Trust and Reputation systems W.49

What we have done


The larger focus has been on completing the chapter for the book about trust and reputation systems. We have however completed a script for the movie and decided on how we together can divide the creation of the infomercial. Since we are gonna animate the movie without “real” footage we have decided on color scheme, fonts and practical information so that we can divide the work evenly between the people creating the infomercial. With the script finished we can now begin animations. There is not a lot of time left so full focus and the entire movie-team collaborating together will be of great importance. We will use the program called After Effects to create the projects in smaller parts and then assemble all parts in Adobe Premier. We believe that we in this way can work faster and more efficiently.

Book Report

Since last week a lot of time has been put on finalizing the report, with correcting and proofreading it. It has been an iterative process. We have also added images that we hope can help the reader to understand our vision of the Identity bank along with our vision for the future of trust and reputation systems. We are finished with our chapter of the book which means that the focus now is on the infomercial, the video for our presentation, and the content of the presentation, how we want to present our idea to the audience.

What we will do

Since the deadline of the book was yesterday, the focus is now on the presentation and the creation of the infomercial. Editing the infomercial will take up most of the time at first since this will be the foundation for the presentation of our product Identity Bank. The important part now is to ensure that our vision will be presented in the presentation. Besides that there is not much more for us to do since the course is close to an end.

Challenges encountered

Since all the deadlines are closing by stress is a big factor. It seems that we as a group have worked well together to help each other out which of course have relieved ourselves of the worst pressure. The big challenge of the week was however putting all the pieces together into one final vision. We are however happy with the result and the way we achieved the result.

Changes in the project

There have not been any changes in the project. We have rather made an attempt to specify the end result of the project.

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