Friday, December 5, 2014

Future of crowdwork w 49

We’re watching the end of the tunnel of this project from an assured distance, and we are happy (and terrified) about the outcome, when we finally might be confident to say there are really things in this project which have potential in the reality, when we’re watching each others asses through technology.
But there’s a little time left, and some more things to do before we will call the project finished.

However, this is what we’ve been doing this week:
The final article is completed, in which case the first draft. We have been working with putting the texts together and tied up the bag, writing an introduction and manage a good reading flow and disposition to the article. We also managed to complete it below the limit of 18000 characters. Thanks to google, we could all manage, comment, proofread eachother at the same time, and we had some late night sessions this week. We have also made graphics and images, matching the final books graphical profile, and selecting quotes from the text for the article. The outline of how the presentation will be performed: 2 min slides + about 6 min movie + and the rest of the time is for questions. This week, the first draft of the movie intro was composed. Más o menos, two thirds of the movie is completed excluding some fixes and updates.
It’s friday, just before lunch, when I’m writing this blog-post and we still have the proofreading session with the other groups to do before the weekend. Let’s see the outcome of that.

Next weeks tasks:
Finalize the movie production
Slides for the presentation

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